Monday, January 12, 2009

《东声。西乐》演唱会 Beautiful Tones-East West

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当路在易遇见John Rutter

2009 年春天的第一场音乐会即将来临! 本地著名青少年、儿童合唱指挥兼女高音陈惠群老师将带领吉隆坡中华独中合唱团 (CHKL Choir) 、爱韵合唱团(La Voce Choir) 及泰雷嘉少年儿童合唱团(TTCC) 为大家带来《东声.西乐—当陆在易遇见John Rutter》演唱会。除了陈老师,届时也将由我国著名合唱指挥周扬平老师及林福祥老师担任指挥。为了在合唱表演艺术上寻求突破,此次演唱会将融合东西方两种不同的文化及曲风,演唱中国著名作曲家陆在易(LZYi)及英国著名作曲家约翰.卢特(JRutter) 的作品,希望透过不同的声音色彩让观众们能从中感受文化差异中却又和谐的风貌。

21-02-2009 7.30pm 雪兰莪精武体育会礼堂

28-02-2009 7.30pm 巴生兴华中学朝阳堂


The Spring Choral Concert is COMING! Our local renowned choir conductor and Soprano vocalist, Ms Tang Hui Kung will be leading Chong Hwa KL Independent High Shool Choir (CHKL Choir), La Voce Choir and Tarrega Teenage and Children’s Choir (TTCC) to present you with a range of songs from the well-known composers, John Rutter (English Composer) and LuZaiYi (Chinese Composer). We would like to take this opportunity to take you on a musical journey to experience the culture of the East and the West which blends perfectly together in music.Other than Ms Tang, the noted local choir conductors Mr Chew Hock Ping and Mr Lim Hock Siong will also be conducting the concert.

21-02-2009 7.30pm Stadium Chinwoo Selangor & Kuala Lumpur

28-02-2009 7.30pm Hin Hwa High School Klang Zhao Yang Hall

**Group's Bonus:Buy any 10 Tickets and Get 1 FREE Adult Ticket


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